The 1073OPX is designed to be mounted in the recording room and thus follows the path Neve has already taken very successfully with the 1081 rack system and the 4081 Quad Mic-Pre: The implementation of a comprehensive remote control including Total Recall is included. Accordingly, the line and microphone inputs as well as the outputs are available as Dsub-25 connectors on the rear panel.
Finally, the monitoring of the recording musician can also be realized via the unit: A headphone amplifier is integrated and can optionally be fed via 2 of the input channels, an analogue monitor path or, if the digital option is inserted, via the digital audio path. If external monitoring is required, the AMS Neve 1073OPX immediately sums the 8 channels and provides them at a stereo output.
- With Marinair transformers
- Line, Microphone and DI-Ins
- DI-In in Class-A transformerless circuitry
- 48V phantom power, -25dB pad, impedance switch (300/1300Ohm) and high-pass filter @ 80Hz per channel
- Mic/line inputs separately and rear outputs via Tascam Dsub-25
- Stereo Monitor In/Out
- Display shows current gain value
- Additional front input
- Control input (RJ-45)
- Headphone output with mono switch and different operation modes (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, Mon, DMon)
- Remote controllable via remote software; up to 8 units daisy-chained
- Total Recall
- 19" rack unit with 2U
- Excellent price/performance ratio