Designed for rackmount or table top use, the 8804 features 16 long-throw channel faders with associated mute switches and two long throw master output faders. Veteran engineers will appreciate the feel of the faders under their hands as they ride levels and make sensitive adjustments to the mix. Connection to the 8816 is straightforward analogue audio, and the sound is pristine. The Neve 8804 not only adds fader control to the 8816, it provides expanded functionality.
Each 8804 channel fader has a direct output, and these can be set to pre- or post-fader. These direct outputs can then be used to feed effects units, to make separate recordings of individual elements of a mix, or for multi-track recording of signals from the 8816. The channel level pot on the 8816 becomes a dedicated auxiliary send for an outboard reverb unit, letting users add that extra touch of class to the mix. The 8804 is equipped with our proprietary Recall utility program for flexible use alongside a computer-based system. Recall enables your Mac or PC to store and recall all of the 8804’s settings, boosting your productivity. Put simply, this is Neve engineering at its best.
- High-quality long-throw fader module for use with popular 8816 Summing Mixer
- Hand-made by Neve in Burnley, England
- 16 Channel Faders and 2 Master Faders
- 16 Mute/Solo Switches
- 16 Direct Outputs Allow 8816 level pots to become auxiliary sends
- Instant Recall of settings stored on PC or Mac via USB
- 4U rackmount or table top operation using built-in stand or optional Neve 8804 sidecheeks